Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sorry I Missed You ...

... a note from Denise Auckland-Martin:

Thanks for organizing a 25th reunion. I am so disappointed I can't be there! My son was in the hospital over the weekend and now has to have a procedure on Friday. And my dad is having a surprise 70th birthday party for my mom on Sunday. So my leaving Ohio for New York this weekend would not go over very well with the family!

I hope you all have a great time. If you do any kind of directory or have pictures you could forward, I would love to be included. I hope you are doing well...give my best to everyone there!

Denise Auckland-Martin

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Seeing Double

This one won't be hard to figure out ... they look exactly the same, don't you think?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Guess Who?

Time for another photo from the reunion festivities!

Name those classmates!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Message from Scott Van Etten

Hey Classmates,

Sorry I missed the 25th reunion. It looks like you all had a great time...And from the pictures posted I'm glad to see that I am not the only one with grey hair!

I was one of the graduates that came back to Corning after college and am still happy with that decision. I am single (couldnt find anyone that would marry me) and unfortunately don't have any kids. Just nieces and nephews that I spoil sufficiently.Got my Finance degree from RIT, and an MBA from SU. I was a Controller (bean counter) for 17 years and then Corning Inc. gave me a chance to get into Sales. So thats what I have been doing for the past 3 years.

As you might expect I still live in Caton and finished my 16th year as the Town Supervisor in 2007. I gave that up and am now a Legislator with Steuben County. I also own a couple of businesses and have dabbled in the real estate market.

My passion is skeet shooting. I do it year round and compete in registered tournaments all summer long (hence the reason I missed the reunion). I have won a couple NYS championships over the years and hope to win a world title someday. I've tried auto racing, and I've tried golf but there is nothing as exhilerating as turning a clay target into a cloud of dust with a shot gun. I guess we all have our "bad habits."

I'll try to find a picture of me before I blew up like the Michelin Man and send it along. Feel free to drop me a note via email. Hope to hear from some of my old friends and maybe, just maybe I'll make the 30th reunion.

Take care.